Wednesday 8 April 2015

The book

On a July night the body of Argentine President Juan Peron is desecrated, had his hands crudely removed by unknown criminals। Who is responsible? Why would someone break in to a tomb and steal only the hands of a corpse rather than causing greater damage? These questions are answered in Unveiling the Enigma, yet the answers turn out to be as complex as the questions. Behind the crime is a mystery, in the esoteric meaning of the word, that dates back to ancient times. The reader must travel to Egypt’s ancient civilization to understand the crime, and the motivations of the group responsible. Among those who emerge as a hero in the story is Jaime Far Suau, a respectable judge whose only goal is to discover the truth. He, along with a young lawyer who admires Peron, set out to solve the crime. Their task could not be more difficult, as they encounter evil forces that will stop at nothing to prevent the truth from being known. It will require breaking a complex code to unravel the mystery the guardians of the secret are willing to murder to preserve.The book in Amazon

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Gelli is still active

Published by L'Espresso magazine in Italy:
Dalla scoperta della lista dei 962 affiliati alla sua loggia segreta, è passato più di un quarto di secolo. Dal 1981 ad oggi Gelli ha accumulato condanne definitive per reati che hanno fatto storia: principale responsabile della bancarotta dell'Ambrosiano di Roberto Calvi; stratega dei più gravi depistaggi del Sismi (la prima delle tante false piste internazionali) per la strage di Bologna. Gelli ha scontato la pena a casa, nella villa aretina intitolata alla moglie Vanda Vannacci, per gravi motivi di salute, che peraltro dieci anni fa non gli impedirono di evadere. Nel 2003, intervistato da 'Repubblica', aveva scherzato sulle analogie tra il suo piano di rinascita e il programma del governo presieduto dal suo più ricco affiliato, Silvio Berlusconi: "Sì, forse dovrei avere i diritti d'autore. La giustizia, la tv, l'ordine pubblico. Ho scritto tutto trent'anni fa". Oggi, festeggiati i 90 anni, Gelli non è solo il custode di segreti di un passato che non passa. È il protagonista di nuovi intrighi. Riceve industriali. Tratta affari. Istruisce colonnelli. Offre appoggi. E fa da consigliere all'organizzatore di una nuova rete di "fratelli".

Wednesday 13 May 2009

The Corpus Hermeticum are the core documents of the Hermetic tradition. Dating from the early part of the Christian era, they were mistakenly dated to a much earlier period by Church officials up until the 15th century.

Sunday 10 May 2009

(Photo by authors David Cox and Damian Nabot. At the door Mr. Licio Gelli)

"The doors of all banks vaults open to the right." Licio Gelli

The mysterious donkey, another illustration by Nazari. In some mysteries many keys are needed to unlock the correct door.

From Giovanni Battista Nazari, Il metamorfosi metallico et humano (1564).
This image is directly tied to one of the greatest criminal mysteries. You can learn about it in Enigma.

Thursday 7 May 2009


Stuart Christie in his book Stefano Delle Chiaie writes:
"Freemasonry is, perhaps, the most large-scale political organizaion of the middle-class in every western nation. The Grand Orient of Italy, a particularly powerful institution, is no exception. One important difference between the Grand Orient of Italy and the Grand Lodge of England -- the mother lodge- is the existence in Italy of covered or secret lodges whose membership is unknown even to the council members of the Grand Orient."

As we now know in Italy there were two secret lodges under the Grand Orient of Italy, the P1 and P2. The P2 was controlled by Licio Gelli. As Christie explains Licio Gelli is an old guard fascist from the Mussolini era who fled to Argentina following disclosures that he had been involved in the murder of Italian partisans.